Jordan sleept until 7:30 AM when my packing noise was getting louder. As he is tired after two 100 plus mile days, he was slow getting ready to go. I did some bicycle maintenance including a new chain. I think the chain was the original with well over 1,500 miles of wear. He decided to have a solid breakfast of pizza, a bagel with cream cheese and leftover salmon. I was pleased he fueled well to start the day.
We discussed route options and decided he would leave the hotel and ride through Missoula to Lolo where there is a 51-mile long bike trail. Just better to ride roads we know are safer and not under construction than to risk what we experienced yesterday. In addition, the forecast is hotter than yesterday so earlier and cooler hours are better.
The ride out of Missoula nice with dedicated bicycle routes and a slight grade. An on-street dedicated bike lane followed by a very wide shoulder. He reached Solo without much issue. After that, the temperature seems to ride several degrees every hour. By noon the temperature was in the 80’s. Jordan backed down to a casual pace, and consumed significant fluids.

I decided about half way I would ride back to meet him. I parked at Victor, MT and headed toward Solo on the trail. Unfortunately, less then ¾ mile into the ride, I hit a huge edge on the bridge path and blew both tires. I called Jordan to warn him. Later he said he needed a bunny hop over the edge. He thought maybe it was my weight that caused the issue? I was looking forward to the ride, but I guess I will repair tires instead. While doing repairs I saw a young man and women pass who were obviously touring.
Jordan reached Victor, MT just before just before 1:00 PM and he looked sun whipped. He was tired yet would not admit he is spent. He took time to rest in the air-conditioned car for 15 minutes. I suggested by 3:00 PM we will pack it in for the day and try again later. The heat is too much!
Jordan pressed onward and tried to catch the two touring bicyclist’s I mentioned earlier. After about 12 miles, we arrived at Super 1 food the same time they arrived. They said they just graduated from college and are doing the entire Transamerica trail (a 4,228.5 mile ride). They are 21 days into the ride and assumed they have another 50 days or more.

By this time the temperature was over 100 degrees. We are also at about 3,000 feet so the sun was at a greater intensity than I typically experienced. I am amazed at how well Jordan is surviving the heat. Just before Sula, the road was again outright dangerous. We loaded up the bike and drove a few miles. Jordan made the State line!

He was ecstatic that the temperature decreased by 20 degrees by 7:00 PM, so he decided to keep riding. I set up the car for the night and went to meet him. All the while I was driving I thought I forgot something. When I found him I suggested I go back to check and he could stop of keep riding. I went back to look and he kept riding. Then the mountain weather turned ugly. Just before I met him outside Wisdom, MT, lightening struck about 60 feet from him and scared him beyond comprehension. He was mad and I was the only release valve.
We quickly loaded the bike as it start to downpour. No phone service in the middle of a storm in the middle of nowhere. We drove a few miles to the town of Wisdom, MT. We were surprised the town had a great restaurant. We decided the try out The Crossing at Feddy’s and it was very good. I am surprised a place in the middle of nowhere can financially survive. However, the staff said they get so many people passing through, like us.
We made the park at about 9:15 PM and were ready to rest. The Park was nice and donation based. There was even an outhouse! A very well kept up gem and we found two outstanding secrets of Wisdom, MT. Wonder if there are many more gems to find?

It was a cool night but slept well. About 2:30 AM, Jordan woke and asked for his sleeping bag. At 5:45 AM I woke to a double rainbow sight. By the time I got the camera and made it outside, below is what was left.

I tried to wake Jordan at 6:30 AM, as the weather was favorable. Forecast is storms late morning though late afternoon. He was pretty firm he wanted to sleep. I took the time to process the photos and videos and update the bog. I have to do it in Word, as we have no service web access. Just before 8:00 AM Jordan started to wake from his fatigued and dead state. He has averaged 103 miles a day for the first three days!
Ride (first 75.8 miles) summary:
- 75.8 miles – 4:39:21
- Speed: Average 16.3 MPH, Maximum 33.3 MPH
- Cadence: Average 76 RPM; Maximum 101 RPM
- Heart rate: Average 117 BPM; Maximum 157 BPM
- Ascent 1,722 feet and decent 744 feet
- 120.6 miles
- 6 hours 39 minutes 28 seconds
- 18.09 MPH
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